Dear Biotoises & Biotois,
The elections will be hold next 15een and 22 of March.
The main interest will be our life quality, our safety, and also we will have to take position regarding real estate allowed now with the PLU changes (Local Plan building).
Candidate for those elections, my commitment is clear: I don’t want more irreparable concrete buildings on the territory. With my team, we have met a few of you and I have a slogan” Protect, more attractive, innovate”.
Today, I am doing a large consultation towards the inhabitants and the economic actors, and I would like that this program is also yours.
After this, I will invite all participants, district by district, for the results, which I will give also on internet.
Jean-Pierre Dermit
Dirigeant d’entreprise
Conseiller municipal d’opposition
Conseiller communautaire à la CASA
Maire de Biot de 2008 à 2013